Snake Zodiac Sign: Its Spiritual Essence in Native American Astrology

Snake Zodiac Sign

If you are interested in astrology and want to explore a different perspective, you might want to consider the Native American zodiac. The Snake sign is one of the twelve signs in the Native American zodiac, and it has its own unique characteristics and traits. In this article, we will discuss the Snake zodiac sign, birth totem, and astrology in the Native American astrology.

The Snake zodiac sign is associated with transformation, healing, and knowledge. People born under the Snake sign are believed to be wise, intuitive, and spiritual. They are also known for their ability to shed their skin and adapt to new situations, making them resilient and flexible. If you are a Snake sign, you might find yourself drawn to esoteric knowledge and have a deep connection to nature.

In Native American astrology, each person is also associated with a birth totem, which represents their spiritual guide and protector. The Snake birth totem is tied to the element of Fire and the direction of South. People with the Snake birth totem are believed to be passionate, intense, and creative. They are also known for their ability to shed their old skin and embrace change. If you are a Snake birth totem, you might find yourself drawn to creative pursuits and have a fiery personality.


Snake Zodiac Sign in Native American Astrology

If you were born between October 23 and November 21 in the Northern Hemisphere or between April 20th and May 20th in the Southern Hemisphere, your Native American Zodiac sign is Snake. The Snake zodiac sign is associated with transformation, healing, and rebirth. As a Snake person, you have a deep connection to the earth and the spiritual world. You are intuitive, perceptive, and have a powerful presence.

Birth Moon

The Snake’s birth moon is the Frost Moon, which occurs in November. This is a time of transition and change, as the weather grows colder and the days grow shorter. The Frost Moon is a time to reflect on the past year and prepare for the new year.

Snake Element

The Snake zodiac sign is associated with the element of Water. Water represents emotions, intuition, and the subconscious mind. As a Snake person, you are in tune with your emotions and have a deep understanding of the world around you.

Cardinal Direction

The Snake’s cardinal direction is the South. The South represents growth, creativity, and passion. As a Snake person, you are driven by your passions and have a natural talent for creative expression.

Snake’s Clan

The Snake belongs to the Thunderbird Clan. The Thunderbird is a powerful spirit animal that represents strength, courage, and transformation. As a member of the Thunderbird Clan, you have a deep connection to the spiritual world and the natural world.

Snake’s Place in the Medicine Wheel

The Snake is associated with the direction of the West in the Medicine Wheel. The West represents the element of Water and the season of Autumn. As a Snake person, you are in tune with the cycles of nature and have a deep understanding of the interconnectedness of all things.

Complimentary and Compatible Spirit Animals

The Snake is compatible with the Beaver, Woodpecker, and Deer. These spirit animals share the Snake’s connection to the natural world and represent different aspects of the Snake’s personality. The Beaver represents hard work and determination, the Woodpecker represents creativity and intuition, and the Deer represents grace and gentleness.


Also Read: Native American Zodiac Sign


Snake Zodiac Sign


Snake Zodiac Birth Totem

The Snake birth totem is associated with the element of Water and the direction of the South. People with the Snake totem are known for their keen intuition, their ability to adapt to changing circumstances, and their strong will. They are also known for their secretive nature and their tendency to keep their emotions hidden.

In Native American astrology, the Snake totem is highly resistant to change, much like the Scorpio and Taurus signs in Western astrology. However, this resistance can be a strength, as it allows Snakes to persevere through difficult times and come out stronger on the other side.

If the Snake is your birth totem, you may find that you have a natural affinity for the spiritual world, as well as a deep connection to the natural world. You may also have a tendency to be introspective and reflective, and to seek out quiet, solitary places where you can contemplate the mysteries of life.

Overall, the Snake birth totem is a powerful symbol of transformation, healing, and renewal. Whether you are exploring your Native American Zodiac sign or delving deeper into the world of astrology, the Snake totem can offer valuable insights into your personality, your strengths, and your weaknesses.


Snake Zodiac Sign Characteristics

The Snake totem is naturally in tune with the spiritual and psychic worlds, and their spiritual nature gives them a knowledge beyond this realm and an ancient wisdom. In this section, we will explore the various characteristics of the Snake sign, including personality traits, physical and emotional attributes, career and work life, and love and relationships:

Personality Traits

Snake people can be secretive at times, but they are also charismatic and intuitive. They have a natural ability to sense the emotions of others and can often use this to their advantage. They are sensitive and emotional, but they also have a logical side that allows them to think clearly and make sound decisions.

Physical and Emotional Attributes

The Snake zodiac sign is associated with the element of water, which makes them emotional and sensitive. They are often quite attractive and have a certain magnetism that draws others to them. They are also known for their seductive nature and can be quite charming when they want to be.

Career and Work Life

Snakes are often drawn to careers that allow them to use their intuition and creativity. They are excellent problem solvers and can think outside the box to come up with innovative solutions. They are also very hardworking and dedicated to their projects, which makes them valuable employees.

Love and Relationships

In love and relationships, people born under the snake zodiac sign are romantic and passionate. They value intimacy and are very loyal to their partners. They can be quite possessive at times, but this is only because they value their relationships so highly. When it comes to love compatibility, Snake signs are most compatible with the Wolf, Owl, and Falcon signs.


Snake Zodiac Sign

Snake Zodiac Sign and Other Western Zodiac

If you were born between October 23 and November 22, you are a Scorpio in Western astrology. Scorpio is known for its intensity, passion, and loyalty. Similarly, if you were born between April 20 and May 20, you are a Taurus. Taurus is known for its stubbornness, practicality, and reliability. These traits are also associated with the Snake sign in Native American astrology.

Snake and Scorpio

The Snake zodiac sign is often compared to Scorpio because both are associated with transformation, rebirth, and healing. Snakes shed their skin, which symbolizes letting go of the old and embracing the new. Scorpios are also known for their ability to transform and regenerate, especially after difficult experiences. If you are a Snake sign, you may find that you have a deep connection to the Scorpio energy and share many of its traits.

Snake and Taurus

Taurus is another Western zodiac sign that is often compared to the Snake sign. Both are associated with stability, practicality, and a love of luxury. Taurus is known for its stubbornness and determination, while Snake people are known for their perseverance and adaptability. If you are a Snake sign, you may find that you share many of the traits of Taurus and appreciate its grounded and practical approach to life.

Snake and Cancer

Cancer is another Western zodiac sign that is associated with the Snake zodiac sign in Native American astrology. Both are associated with emotions, intuition, and a deep connection to the natural world. Cancer is known for its nurturing and protective energy, while Snake people are known for their sensitivity and empathy. If you are a Snake sign, you may find that you share many of the traits of Cancer and appreciate its ability to connect with others on a deep emotional level.

Snake and Capricorn

Capricorn is the final Western zodiac sign that is often compared to the Snake sign. Both are associated with ambition, hard work, and a desire for success. Capricorn is known for its practicality and discipline, while Snake people are known for their intelligence and resourcefulness. If you are a Snake sign, you may find that you share many of the traits of Capricorn and appreciate its ability to achieve its goals through hard work and determination.




Lessons and Challenges

Snake’s Life Lessons

As a Snake sign, you are naturally in tune with the spiritual and psychic worlds. Your spiritual nature gives you knowledge beyond this realm and an ancient wisdom. One of your life lessons is to embrace your esoteric awareness and use it to gain a deeper understanding of yourself and the world around you.

Your path to self-actualization involves learning to balance your physical, emotional, and spiritual needs. You need to find a way to integrate these aspects of your being into a cohesive whole. To achieve this, you must learn to trust your intuition and follow your inner guidance.

Transformation is another central theme in your life. Like the snake shedding its skin, you must be willing to let go of the old and embrace the new. This requires the courage to face your fears and embrace change. Through transformation, you can achieve greater healing and growth.

Challenges for the Snake Sign

One of the challenges for the Snake zodiac sign is finding balance between your desire for solitude and your need for connection with others. While you may enjoy spending time alone, you must also learn to cultivate meaningful relationships with others. This requires you to be open and vulnerable, which can be difficult for you.

Another challenge is learning to respect the boundaries of others. As a Snake, you have a natural magnetism that can draw others to you. However, you must be careful not to use this power to manipulate or control others. Instead, you must learn to use your gifts for the greater good.

Caution is also important for the Snake zodiac sign. Your psychic abilities can be a double-edged sword, as they can also make you vulnerable to negative energies. You must learn to protect yourself from these energies and use your gifts wisely.

The Snake zodiac sign has many life lessons to learn, including balancing physical, emotional, and spiritual needs, embracing transformation, and cultivating meaningful relationships. Challenges include finding balance between solitude and connection, respecting the boundaries of others, and exercising caution with your psychic abilities. By embracing these lessons and overcoming these challenges, you can achieve greater healing, growth, and self-awareness.


Snake Zodiac Sign



In conclusion, the Native American Zodiac’s Snake sign offers a unique and intriguing perspective on astrology, emphasizing transformation, healing, and spiritual wisdom. People born under this sign are characterized by their intuitive nature, adaptability, and strong connection to the natural world. The Snake’s birth totem, associated with the element of Fire and the direction of South, adds further depth to their personality, highlighting their passion and creativity.

In essence, the Snake zodiac sign offers a profound exploration of the human experience, encouraging individuals to embrace their inner wisdom, adapt to life’s changes, and cultivate meaningful connections with both the spiritual and material realms.


Further Reference: Native American Astrology

Key Takeaways

  • The Snake zodiac sign in the Native American Astrology is associated with transformation, healing, and knowledge.
  • People born under the Snake zodiac sign are believed to be wise, intuitive, and spiritual, with a deep connection to nature.
  • The Snake birth totem is tied to the element of Fire and the direction of South, and people with this totem are believed to be passionate, intense, and creative, with a fiery personality.




Frequently Asked Questions

  • What is the significance of the Snake totem in Native American astrology?

    The Snake totem is highly regarded in Native American astrology. If you were born between October 23 and November 21 in the Northern Hemisphere, or between April 20 and May 20 in the Southern Hemisphere, then the Snake totem is your birth totem. The Snake totem symbolizes transformation, healing, and rebirth. It is believed that those with the Snake totem have the ability to shed their skin and transform themselves, just as the Snake does. They are also believed to have a deep connection with the spiritual world and possess great wisdom.


  • How does Native American astrology differ from Western astrology?

    Native American astrology is based on the natural world and the cycles of nature. It focuses on the connection between humans and the natural world, and the belief that everything in the universe is connected. Western astrology, on the other hand, is based on the position of the planets and stars at the time of a person’s birth. It focuses on the influence of these celestial bodies on a person’s personality and future.


  • What is the symbolism of the Owl in Native American zodiac?

    The Owl is a powerful symbol in Native American zodiac. It is associated with wisdom, intuition, and the ability to see beyond the surface. Those with the Owl totem are believed to possess great insight and the ability to see the truth in any situation. They are also believed to have a deep connection with the spiritual world and possess the ability to communicate with the spirits. The Owl is also associated with the night and the moon, and is believed to have a strong connection with the feminine energy.